Painting Retreat at Westcott Barton

Book now on the Westcott Barton website

‘Painting Wildlife in Realistic Settings in Acrylic’.
If you enjoy painting animals and birds, but struggle with the background/setting for your chosen wildlife subject, then this retreat will give you the help you need to take your wildlife art to the next level.
It can often be daunting, when you find yourself faced with a range of complex textures and patterns. Where do you start and how do you recreate a realistic  representation of your subject’s surroundings?
Over the three days of this painting retreat Andrew will show you simple techniques using acrylics, that will allow you to produce fully detailed settings, which will enhance your finished paintings.
He will talk about how to work succesfully with acrylics.
How to choose a suitable setting for your subject. 
How to arrange the elements within the painting to create an eye-catching composition.
How to use light and shade to enhance the shape and form of your subject.
The wonderful grounds at Westcott Barton will provide you with a wealth of ideas for settings, but Andrew will also bring along printed examples of backgrounds that you can choose to work from.
With three painting days, this course will allow you to work at a gentle pace and achieve so much more than you thought possible.

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